Online Marketing Solutions


Search Engine Optimization

The principle aim of any website should be to attract people who do not know about you but are looking out for products and services similar to the one you offer. We guarantee a position for your website in the top 1-20 positions of all the major search engines. We follow the following steps in achieving this goal as mentioned below.

Keyword Analysis

Put yourself in the place of your customer. What would you type in the search box to locate companies offering your core service? For Example, if you are looking for cell phones in India, your query would most likely be “cell phones india”. This entire phrase is considered as one “Keyword”.


The process of modifying attributes of a website to improve its position on one or more search engines by making it more accessible is called optimisation. It is a backend process that allows search engines to find your site when a browser makes a search for keywords.

Search Engine Submission

A directory is organized into categories and subcategories. Our staff review each directory submission and evaluate the site's quality and relevance. Success only comes when you submit a high quality site to the proper category. Because the directory submission process is geared so specifically to each particular directory, we ONLY submit by hand. An automated submission program can't adequately submit to any directory because it isn't able to study the directory's structure and determine which category is best.


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